Jun 17, 2009

Pick of the Day: Sartorialist Profile

This "Sartorialist" Photo and spotlight grabbed my attention. Probably it caught my eye because she is wearing blue and red - a perfect combo! Anyway, enjoy this borrowed interview, and click the link to give their blog a look too...

Style Profile... Sofia Hedstrom, NYC

Correspondent Swedish Television, SVT and Svenska Dagbladet.

Best Sartorial advice from your parents?
"Hel och ren," best translated as “wholesome and clean.” Because of them I really take care of my precious fashion pieces and feel guilty when I walk around in a coat with a missing button.

Style icons?
New Yorkers, I love the city and think people here offer more diversity and sense of style than anywhere else in the world. An afternoon on the town beats most fashion magazines when it comes to inspiration.

Describe your personal style…
I think dressing is like acting, I am always trying to dress for an imaginary roll that I make up in the morning… like today I want to be a 70's biker chic from France, or pretend that I am on a cruise in the Stockholm archipelago. I like conceptual dressing, and in my concepts elegance and femininity are always the key words.

Most cherished item?
I really love an old pocket watch from the 1910's that belongs to my family and therefore gives it extra value.

I feel best wearing?
Colors, I don't feel like myself in black.

Is there a particular color?
I am a red loving girl it is the dominant color in my wardrobe. I tend to wear red every day, and if not, my red lipstick shows my never-ending love for this beautiful color. Red represents everything from revolution to love. It is a color that makes people happy and energized - at least that is the effect red has on me - and the reason why I stay faithful.

This photo of you was up in Scott’s solo show at The Danziger Projects, how did it feel to see a photo of yourself up in an exhibit?
To me, the photo sums up fashion week by showing excitement and exhaustion at the same time. I remember the moment when the photo was taken, how much my Miu Miu shoes did hurt after running around the city and how my brain was trying to sum up the shows and how much I was looking forward to that evening. When I saw the photo at the exhibit it made me go back to that special day and it reminded me, and still does, why I keep running around in uncomfortable shoes.

How do you feel about people's responses to the photo, both online and in "real life"?
Both thankful and entertained. A lot of people refer to me as ‘the girl in the red dress,’ and since I think the photo represents me really well I am happy to hear what people have to say!

Do you get recognized by people?
I get recognized a lot by people because of Scott's work. People sometimes come up to me when I am waiting for the L-train and want to talk about my style. One funny thing is when other photographers ask if they can take my picture during fashion week they always refer to Scott’s work.

The first thing I look at in another Sartorialist's outfit…
I always look at the color combinations first, and then the concept and then I make up a story around what the person is wearing.

I always break this fashion rule…
I love unexpected color combinations and always trust my gut feeling when it comes to this, even if it looks weird the first time when I see myself in the mirror.

I never break this fashion rule…
“Wholesome and clean,” I will for sure never be a punk when it comes to my looks.

Favorite designers?
Karl Lagerfeld, for his larger than life fashion personality and for his ability to always be in contact with the latest trends and Dries Van Noten for his color combinations.

Most underrated item in womenswear?
I think the most underrated item is the hair, it is a shame that very few women take advantage of something that is actually free. Ask your grandma for some advice on how to use the pins and you will automatically look glamorous in your old t-shirt.

Flats or heels?
Heels, except when I am running.

Favorite stores?
My vintage store around the corner here in Williamsburg, called Flores Antique. I also love Clube Chocolate in Sao Paulo and Colette in Paris.

Your next "must have" purchase?
I am collecting jewelry and trying to invest in classic pieces. Right now I am looking for the perfect waist length pearl necklace, maybe it is for my Coco Chanel outfit.

I only buy __________ in Europe.
Anything Swedish, I am always trying to support my fellow Swedes and really adore Diana Orving for her draping skills and always like to go into the Svenkt Tenn store in Stockholm for some amazing Josef Frank fabrics.

Favorite item of clothing
Dresses, I am a classic girl after all.

Oh yes, I am a marathon runner and run every day over the Williamsburg bridge to keep me sane. I did the New York Marathon last year and will do it again this year. I also dance and play tennis, all in appropriate outfits.

Favorite neighborhood restaurant?
Hard choice, since I think Williamsburg offers some of the best restaurants in New York. I love Walter Foods on Grand Street, Moto on Broadway is always cozy and my favorite coffee place is Gimme Coffee on Lorimer Street.

Interview by Tracy Rosenbaum

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