Jun 17, 2009

I like Berliners - hehe

I am going to Berlin soon for the first time. I have been collecting little German factoids and phrases. Here are a couple tid-bits for you to enjoy...

The Memorial Moral Maze comes recommended. Slabs you can weave through and get lost in, it seems. It is a memorial of the Holocaust.

On a lighter note I am also supposed to try a Döner, and asian-german fusion cuisine.
I am going to have to refrain from moronically chiming into conversations with words like 'Moderne Stil', 'Gestalt', and 'Bauhaus' just for the sake of mentioning these lovely ideas.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions on MUST-SEE sights/tastes of Berlin.


1 comment:

  1. The Holocaust memorial is incredible! Watch out for Berlin memorials because every one I saw was so unique and different from other memorials I've seen. (go see the Humboldt University, site of the Burning Books and the Memorial to Murdered Parliament Members). Go here for more: http://www.chgs.umn.edu/museum/memorials/berlin/index.html

    Definitely walk up the glass dome of the Reichstag, preferably at night. Get the background on the architecture too--it's interesting.

    Sachsenshausen is a former concentration camp a little north of Berlin, and one train ride away. Should definitely check it out...

    There are lots of fun shops near Hackescher Markt that are worth checking out.

    ok, this is getting long, but I loooove Berlin as I'm sure you can see. I'm sure you will too!

    thanks for the blog feature :)
