Nov 19, 2008

Nice Still Life

I had a phase where I really got into still life paintings. This began when I realized that these mundane objects could have actual meaning attributed to them. I pieced together this paradigm shift from an article I read in Janson, and a plaque I read at a museum. Soon, it changed my whole outlook on art all together.

It took me back to the long walks with my mom through the halls of the De Young/legion of honor and transformed my memories into something more than they had been --something mysterious and scandalous. I don't know much about this still life, but looking at it caused me to remember all that I love about art, and surprise, and the creativity of the human mind.


  1. What is the De Young/legion of honor? It'd also be interesting to have an update on your Chomsky experience, though the fragmentary quality of all of this has its appeal.


    as far as Noam goes...I wasn't totally enraptured by his writing, and I moved on to other things.

    But here is a youtube of the man for your enjoyment...

  3. I don't know very much about him, but he doesn't sound like the most enrapturing person.

    Somehow the beginning and ending sequence of Charlie Rose has always had a strong attraction for me--it feels like the most generic idea possible of "the city at night," something like what you might get from a bar in a Marriott or the view from a very characterless skyscraper.

  4. Charlie Rose is my hero. (one of many.)
