Aug 13, 2008

The Homeless Of NYC Are Out To Get Me

Yesterday I had a startling encounter with a guy asking for food. It's a fairly common to be asked for change or food. In this instance I did not think I had the spare change to grab a bite for a second person. When I got to the register, I had enough to get 2 of the same of what I was getting, so I did. On my way out the door I say - "here is something, if you want it" the man scoffs at me and raised his voice - "What's this?!" muttering obscenities under his breath he comes up for air again "Why didn't you tell me you was gonna get me some food - I wont eat this!"

I wouldn't have normally been so shocked, I have had people reject my food offerings in the past - sometimes due to a complaint of a stomach ulcer, or an allergy, but always communicated plainly, never in anger. So I told the man I was sorry, but if he didn't want it to just pass it along to someone else, as I had to run to an appointment.

As I said, normally this would not have phased me, but this instance was very off putting for me. I mulled over the event through the rest of the day - wondering if I should have bothered with it at all or should have done more?

After a fabulous dinner - where someone was actually treating ME! I was walking to the subway analyzing my day once again when I looked up, saw a man with a plastic bag over his shoulder, he looked me strait in the eye and then pushed me with his sack and walked away! Stunned, my friend just asked, "Did he just push you?"

My only conclusions are that (a) Park Slope, Brooklyn is absolutely more safe than Manhattan, and (b) the homeless of New York City who once shared space peaceably are no longer tolerant of my presence.

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