Apr 7, 2008

Love146 update:

Working on the show with Love146 (Announced in my previous post) was an exciting challenge. We had a great turn-out of people who came during the busiest art weekend of the year! The location was in the heart of Chelsea, and we had a few walk-ins from the street (it was so exciting to have a street level show!). I was also very happy with the lighting situation, as this can be a huge challenge.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and if you were not able to come, but you want more info on the org/want to donate (wink wink) make sure to check out their site www.love146.org and if you are able to donate something - make sure to cite the exhibit as "how you heard".

I have had several proposals given to me for new projects in the last week, however I might need to take a breather before jumping into the next one.

Thanks for the interest and support.

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