Mar 10, 2009

Cruising for a Bruising

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head, or something that you had to tell someone and you just can't remember the details to put it all together in your mind? This happens to me often. Most recently and most frustratingly with the Gucci image you see here. (Click on image for further comentary by an outside source.)

I could remember seeing an add with a girl in a yellow pleated dress with some kind of strap or non-sleeve - leaning on a man by a small stone wall - probably by the ocean - looking very 1060s and Italian. That was the description I circulated to my fashionista gal pals, and for weeks none of us seemed any closer to a picture of what the image came from.

Finally, just as I thought it was going to drive me CRAZY I got to my last back issue Fashion Mag from 2008, in a very large pile that I had gone through twice, and there she was. I almost thought I was REALLY loosing it when I first glanced at the dress in black and red. Was I color blind? But I was determined once I saw it in the other color way to keep looking.

Now that I found this dress I feel a little disappointed. I thought that discovering who made it and where I had seen it, that I would feel more fulfilled. Well, at least I still have the puzzle of that song in my head to figure out. You know, the one that you hear a snipit of on any given Saturday night, but the lyrics are just slightly unintelligible? I believe "there is an app for that" now... Just another reason to invest in Apple. :)

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