Jan 21, 2009

Moving Performance by Beyoncé for the Obamas

After performing her cover of the always classic "At Last", for the President and First Lady's first dance, Beyoncé told reporters that she was "so proud" to have been at the inauguration and able to perform.

What a lovely day in history where so much symbolism (Abraham Lincoln's bible used for the swearing-in ceremony) and so much beautiful sincerity (Beyoncé's tearful gratitude) set the tone for this presidential term. For so many to be so moved, I am proud that this is how we choose to present ourselves at this new "beginning".

If our highest goal in life is to Love God and Love others, or simply Love our neighbor as ourselves - Hope is a part of this. Love is to "Hope all things". No matter what the next months and years hold, the majority of Washington, and America have clearly embraced this new Commander-in-Chief with Hope. Though maybe not by ALL, Obama is already a beloved leader. Lets continue to hope all things for him.

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